
If you really want to build your business you absolutely must network. Networking scares a lot of entrepreneurs because they aren’t sure about how to do it. Networking quite simply is about building relationships and getting to know people.

You’ve heard that people do business with those they know, like and trust. So if you’re looking to get new clients and close more business from networking, you absolutely must get to know the people you are networking with. Think about it, if you were looking for a new house, but didn’t  have an agent, wouldn’t you choose an agent that was referred to you by a trusted friend, relative or colleague? I’m sure you would. It’s the same for any business or service. If your ideal clients are looking for your particular product or service, it stands to reason that if you’ve built a large base of contacts at networking events, someone is sure to recommend you or your business.

Here are a few tips about how to use networking to grow your business.

1. Get out & Show Up. You can’t sit behind your desk and depend  solely on social media to grow your list of contacts.  You must show up and get in front of people face to face. There’s so much to be said for having a personal experience with some one.

2. Always wear a name tag. A custom name tag is a great idea. I was at a networking event and ran across a lady who had a custom name tag with her business and was very impressed. I decided to order one of my own. However, even if you don’t have a custom name tag, wear a name tag on your right shoulder. Most people are right-handed and extend their right hand to shake hands with you when they are meeting you for the first time. So wearing a name tag on your right shoulder will allow people to greet you by name and vice verse.

3. Introduce yourself. Don’t be shy in approaching people you don’t already know. Walk up to someone new and say “hello, I don’t believe we’ve met.” Many people stand around at networking events waiting to see someone they know before they get comfortable. Unfortunately, you will miss a lot of opportunities by waiting for a familiar face. Remember to Work the room and make sure to meet at least 10 new people by the end of the event.

4. Be a Resource. Effective networking is about solving a need or becoming a resource for someone. When you meet someone, be sure to ask who they would ideally like to meet or what they are hoping to accomplish at the networking event. If you can help introduce two people who would benefit by knowing one another, you have just become a valuable resource to both parties.

5. Follow up. Networking is a lost cause if you don’t follow-up. The fortune is in your ability to follow-up and make lasting connections with people you meet. Think about this: What connections did you make while networking that you haven’t followed up on? Have you gone to any events and had an awesome conversation with someone and then forgot to follow-up on the lead? Don’t worry, you are not alone. Resolve to start fresh today. Make a list of all the folks you should have followed up with and didn’t. Might they have forgotten about you? Yes. Might the opportunity have passed? Yes. But you won’t know if you don’t try. There’s a lot to be said for owning the fact that you dropped the ball and taking action to make it right. The opportunity you had may very well still be available to you… just waiting for you to follow-up and follow through.

How about you? What networking tips can you share with me that have worked well for you? Feel free to leave a comment below. And if this article helped you, please share.


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This article is written by Lori A. Manns. Want to use this article for your website, blog or newsletter? No problem. Here’s what you must include: Lori A. Manns, CEO of Quality Media Consultant Group your marketing and sales success mentor, and founder of Marketing For Trailblazers Bootcamp TM & Sponsorship Sales Secrets System;TM  that shows you how to get more sponsors and sales for your business, guaranteed. To purchase consulting  services on marketing, advertising or sales and, learn how to increase your revenue and grow your business; please visit www.qualitymediaconsultants.com.