Think about it, these days when someone gets stuck on a particular piece of information they are unsure about, they don’t say “I think I will look that up on an internet search engine” typically what they say is “l’ll just Google it”. The word Google is now used as a noun and verb because that’s just how strong of a brand it is. People refer to Google as if it is an action word. Just as Kleenex is to facial tissue and Xerox is to copier machines, Google is to Internet search engines. Google receives several million queries a day through its various services. So there’s no doubt that you want your business listed and ranked well on Google. The issue is how one goes about making the Google gods fall in love with their website and content. Below are  listed 5 tips that will help you to create content that Google will respond favorably to.

Remember your audience. Create content that people will respond to and enjoy reading. In order to do this, you must connect with the reader. Let them know they are right where they are supposed to be if they fit a certain description. Remember you’re trying to get your ideal prospects and clients to read your content, not Google. So don’t write as if your audience is a room of computers. Write like you’re talking to a group of friends. Tell stories that are relatable and memorable. Make sure you add key words that are relevant to your industry, business type and niche.


Stand out. Figure out what your unique factor is and maximize it. Chances are you’re one of hundreds or thousands of people in your industry offering your product or service. With that said, you must be unique in some way. Whether it is your content, information, value or price, graphics, in some way you must be different than everyone else. Determine how you will create value for yourself and your business. Being different is always a great way to get noticed on line.

Include Photographs and Infographics. You heard the saying “a picture is worth a thousand words.” People love pictures and respond better to anything that has visual appeal. Remember to match colors and text that compliment the other. Just as you probably would not wear stripes with plaids don’t pair bold or bright neon colors with large fonts or bold text. Another key thing to remember is that pictures and infographics tend to go viral and many times will provide links back to your website. Of course this type of traffic is great for your search engine optimization as well. The more links there are on Internet directing people back to your business website, the better.


Take a Comprehensive Approach. A great way to be thorough on your website is to have a frequently asked questions section or an interview style section. The key is to ask questions and answer them just as someone would if they were conversing with you face to face. this type of information allow the reader to feel like they know you, the business owner. It also puts you in the drivers seat because you’re controlling the conversation.  Think of yourself as the interviewer and the reader as the guest or potential buyer/consumer. Make sure you answer all of the questions your potential buyers might ask.

Additionally, if you were browsing your website as a customer, would you be impressed? Make sure your content has high value, meaning that it educates the audience beyond all of the other information out there on a similar topic. Finally, make sure that your website content has no spelling or grammatical errors and has enough white space. Poorly designed, messy content and unspecific content will not get you noticed on Google or any other search engine. But Google loves well designed websites and pages that are optimized.

Update Frequently. It goes without saying that if you don’t update your website content it will not have very much appeal to your visitors or Google. Have you ever visited a website and the last blog post or update was over a year ago? Not very impressive is it? Google wants to see that you’re staying current and regularly posting new content. It helps for your readers to know when you published content plus it’s great for SEO to include published dates whenever you update your site or post new information.

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© 2013 Quality Media Consultant Group, LLC – All Rights Reserved

This article is written by Lori A. Manns. Want to use this article for your website, blog or newsletter? No problem. Here’s what you must include: Lori A. Manns, CEO of Quality Media Consultant Group, is an  award-winning, marketing expert, sales coach and and founder of Marketing For Trailblazers TM &  the Sponsorship Sales Secrets System;TM  that shows you how to get more sponsors and sales for your business, guaranteed. To purchase consulting  services on marketing, advertising or sales and, learn how to increase your revenue and grow your business; please visit