If you’re trying to reach both Business to Business (B2B) and Business to Consumer (B2C) audiences, it stands to reason that you should be marketing your company on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is by far the largest social network for professionals on the Internet. LinkedIn has been around for 18 years as of this year, 2021. And by the looks of their success, LinkedIn is here to stay. That said, your marketing strategy to build a reputation and reach a portion of the vast amount of users, should be strategic. Below I’m sharing a few strategies for using LinkedIn effectively and successfully so you can sell more of your products and services.


  1. Completed Profile with a Professional Headshot and Keywords – It should go without saying that your profile should be complete. However, you’d be surprised at how many people miss this basic step. Let people know about your work history and experience. Of course your profile picture should be a professional headshot, not a selfie or any other picture that isn’t attractive or appealing. Presenting the best image is necessary on LinkedIn if you want to establish brand excellence and authority.
  2. Captivating Summary Section – This section is where you get to tell your story and brag about your accomplishments. You should use this section to sell yourself and your capabilities. Tell us about the problems you solve and how you help people. Showcase the who, what, when, where and why of your story.
  3. Showcase recommendation and endorsements – It’s one thing to say how great you are, but it’s something totally different when other people say it. Therefore, getting recommendations from clients and colleagues is vitally important and helps with your credibility.
  4. Post multi-media content especially videos and/or podcasts – Videos are the most popular form of content you can share on any social media platform because they speed up the know, like and trust factor.  Podcasts also give you the unique opportunity to share your expertise in a long format by providing information on a single topic as well as inviting other experts to the conversation.
  5. Send direct voice messages to prospects and new contacts – It’s very important to make real connections with people in your network, especially if you don’t know them. What could be better than a personalized greeting to your newest connections on LinkedIn? Sending a voice recording shows you took the time to say hello in your own words and voice, rather than type a generic message.

If you follow the above steps you will be presenting yourself as a professional and above the crowd. The key is to stand out on LinkedIn by doing things that most people do not take the time to do. If you post valuable content consistently and nurture your network, LinkedIn is likely to become one of the top ways you generate leads for your small business.


This article was written by Lori A. Manns, President of Quality Media Consultant Group. Want to use this article for your blog or business website? Here’s the author’s box that you must include.

© 2021 Quality Media Consultant Group LLC – All Rights Reserved

This article was written by Lori A. Manns. President of Quality Media Consultant Group.  Lori is a multi award-winning marketing mentor, sales coach and trailblazing business strategist who works with small business owners and entrepreneurs to help them grow and scale their businesses. She specializes in sales and marketing strategies that result in her clients attracting their target market, gaining brand visibility and growing revenue. Lori is President of Quality Media Consultant Group, a consultancy firm specializing in media, advertising, marketing and sales. She is the  founder of the Trailblazer Business Academy. where advancing entrepreneurs go to learn growth strategies and how to run a profitable business the soulful way. Lori is also the creator of the Sponsorship Sales Secrets.