The purpose of content marketing is to create quality, valuable free content to attract and convert prospects to become paying customers and customers to repeat buyers. The type of content you write should coincide with the type of business you have as well as what your primary product or service is. Give your target audience the information they want and need, when they want it and how they want it and you will become invaluable and indispensable. There are 7 easy steps that you can take to create quality content to assist you in marketing your business.
Step 1. Preparation. The first step in creating quality content involves doing your homework. Prior to writing your content, there are critical activities that must be done before hand. First things first, preparation is key. You must know your target audience inside and out. Answer the following questions: what are the needs, wants, challenges, obstacles and goals of the people in my target audience? What information do I have or can I create that will assist my target audience in any of these prior areas?
Step 2. Complete an Outline. An easy way to write a blog, article or any informational product is to write an outline of the major points or key elements that should be included in the subject. Create sub topics and supporting factors for each major point. Be sure to list points based on level of importance or perceived interest.
Step 3. Write First Draft. Once you have your outline, you must write the first draft and decide what style you want to deliver. Will you be informative and tutorial or casual and entertaining? The most important thing to remember is to let your creativity shine through. Always be authentic and original and write about what you know about.
Step 4. Revisit & Revise. After you have written the first draft, take a break and come back to your document. Determine if there is anything you need to cut or revise. Analyze the length of your work. Is it too short, too long or just right? Look for any areas you have not fully developed or any supporting information that is needed. Do you need to list any resources or gives credits to anyone? Make any necessary revisions for overall cohesiveness of the information you have shared.
Step 5. Edit & Proofread. This is a very important step because you are preparing for the final draft. Make sure to edit grammatical and typographical errors as well as spelling. There are many words in the English language that are commonly misused such as their and there. Don’t make common mistakes in grammar. Use a spell check feature or have someone else read over your document to give the final edit. Be certain to proofread your document to make certain that simple mistakes are corrected prior to publication.
Step 6. Publish On Line. Once you’ve completed the final draft of your blog or informational product, publish it on-line via your website, social media or article submissions sites. There are many article submissions sites such as and that will allow you to share information on-line.
Step 7. Promote. In order to publicize your information you must promote it. You can choose to promote your document on your website by creating a lead capture page, via email marketing to your list, direct mail or social media. Whatever method you choose, make sure that it is an advertising medium that your target audience utilizes frequently and will not discard. There is no point in promoting your information on platforms where your target audience is not present or doesn’t value.
If you’re interested in marketing your business on-line, you must develop some level of expertise around content marketing. When people purchase products and services, one of the main things that will influence them is information. Be sure to provide your target audience with all the necessary information needed to find your business on-line and see you as valuable resource.
© 2012 Quality Media Consultant Group, LLC – All Rights Reserved
This article is written by Lori A. Manns. Want to use this article for your website, blog or newsletter? No problem. Here’s what you must include: Lori A. Manns, CEO of Quality Media Consultant Group your marketing and sales success mentor, and founder of Marketing For Trailblazers™ & ABC’s of Successful Sponsorship Sales System;™ that shows you how to get more sponsors and sales for your business, guaranteed. To purchase consulting services on marketing, advertising or sales and, learn how to increase your revenue and grow your business; please visit
Thanks Lori for really breaking it down… I love breaking things into manageable steps! Great info!
It isn’t enough to post, you must promote. Wise words, Lori!
Ahhhh you make it sound so easy! And in many ways it is….once i created an outline and schedule of the content I wanted to create, it became so easy with the system.
I like your steps~ now to master on-line marketing submissions as you said 😉
Ha! Love your comment about common misspellings. “Their/there/they’re” is one of my pet peeves, too (can’t shake the English major nerd in me.)
Your last tip, to promote, is one that so many marketers forget to mention (or execute.) Derek Halpern is a popular marketing blogger – he says that you should spend 20% of your time creating content and 80% promoting it.
This is a great and easy to understand article that follow an easy process. Thanks Lori!
This is a great blog post! I love how it breaks everything down. I used to edit my own work and now I have an editor because I can admit that I just don’t know as much about the English language as I should as a native speaker.
Thank you for sharing the two sites for article marketing. I’m going to look into them!
Seven simple steps, # 5 is so important and #7 is key. Thanks.