
3 Reasons Why Your Sales Bucket Is Leaking

  Whenever I talk to entrepreneurs who are not hitting their revenue goals, it is typically because there is something wrong with their marketing or sales efforts. When it comes to hitting your numbers, [...]

By |2017-09-08T00:17:09-04:00September 7th, 2017|Blog|Comments Off on 3 Reasons Why Your Sales Bucket Is Leaking

3 Steps to Build a Solid Sales System

In life, anything that has long-term sustainability must have a solid foundation. The same is true in business. The success of a company or organization largely depends upon its sales infrastructure. A business that [...]

By |2017-08-17T00:05:32-04:00August 17th, 2017|Blog|Comments Off on 3 Steps to Build a Solid Sales System

5 Tactics to Get Sponsors to Respond to You

Corporate sponsors want to work with entrepreneurs and small business owners who have something to offer. The decision makers at corporations who are responsible for allocating sponsorship dollars, are approached [...]

By |2017-07-20T21:53:56-04:00July 20th, 2017|Blog|Comments Off on 5 Tactics to Get Sponsors to Respond to You

3 Steps to Close the Sale Quickly

  The entrepreneurs who realize that they are salespeople are typically more successful than those who do not. It’s important to realize that you should be selling your products and services consistently in your [...]

By |2017-07-20T21:48:14-04:00June 29th, 2017|Blog|Comments Off on 3 Steps to Close the Sale Quickly

4 Strategies to Sell More

    If I had to give a one sentence description about what sales really is, I’d say that sales is about building relationships. No matter what business you’re in, the sales process can [...]

By |2017-07-07T12:43:56-04:00June 14th, 2017|Blog|Comments Off on 4 Strategies to Sell More

The Top 5 Benefits of Speaking for Entrepreneurs

  Public Speaking is definitely a skill that every entrepreneur should master.  However, many entrepreneurs never consider public speaking due to their fear and anxiety of talking and presenting in front of people. If [...]

By |2017-05-18T14:34:30-04:00May 18th, 2017|Blog|Comments Off on The Top 5 Benefits of Speaking for Entrepreneurs

5 Principles for Effective On-Line Advertising Campaigns

The market is saturated with advertising messages on every medium whether on-line or off-line. Most small business owners understand the importance of advertising on line. However, many don’t understand how to create an effective [...]

By |2017-05-04T14:45:15-04:00May 4th, 2017|Blog|Comments Off on 5 Principles for Effective On-Line Advertising Campaigns

3 Core Principles of Branding

  As a business owner, your company’s brand deals with why your company or business exists and the core message that you communicate to your consumers. It’s important to have a brand plan that [...]

By |2017-03-30T12:59:41-04:00March 30th, 2017|Blog|Comments Off on 3 Core Principles of Branding

4 Ways to Sell in Your Sleep

  There use to be a saying: "make your money, make you money." As a young adult, I can remember hearing this statement and thinking, "I wonder what would be [...]

By |2017-03-30T00:06:07-04:00March 16th, 2017|Blog|Comments Off on 4 Ways to Sell in Your Sleep
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