Don’t think you have a brand? Think again.  Not sure if you have a brilliant brand? If you’re not sure, you probably don’t. If you have not purposely built your brand, meaning orchestrated what you want people to think about you when you’re not around, chances are your brand is all over the place. Having a brilliant brand means that you formulate a specific strategy around how you want your business to be perceived in the marketplace. As owner of your business, you have a personal brand. Your business has a brand. The question is: how remarkable is your brand. And by remarkable I mean, how brilliant is it?


There are a few ways to ensure that your brand is brilliant. I’ve listed a few key concepts below.


Educate Your Audience.

In order to have a brilliant brand you must educate your audience how you help them, why they should buy what you’re selling and how you’re different from your competitors. There is a 3 letter word and question that everyone must answer and that is WHY? This simple question is what you must always be prepared to answer when defining your brand. Why you? Why your product or service? Why and how are you different from the others? And finally…why now?

Once you have answered the questions above the key is to create some urgency for your prospects to engage with your brand now rather than wait. If you create an atmosphere of education about a simple topic and area of interest for your target audience, they will be intrigued and perceive you as a source of authority. As human beings, we are inquisitive by nature and most people like to learn something new. If you are able to educate your target audience about a subject matter pertaining to your niche that they may not have been aware of, you look like an expert and are perceived to have a valuable brand.


Solve a Problem.

If you’re in business, your goal should be to help the people in your target audience with a specific problem or challenge they are experiencing. If your product or service does not provide a solution to a specific problem, you probably do not have a strong or brilliant brand. Most brilliant brands have a proprietary component to them. If there is nothing unique about your business that addresses a specific need held by a specific group of people, chances are you will not be selling very much of whatever it is. As you create products and services for your business, ask yourself the following questions: Who is this for? What problem does this product or service address for the people who need or want it? Why would those people buy it? If you can’t effectively answer the aforementioned questions, it’s time to go back to the drawing board.


Inspire Desire.

The key to having a brilliant brand is to make other people want what you have to offer. You must inspire desire with your prospects to make them want what you have to offer and not only that, it must be urgent. Think of all of the marketing messages that you see in a given day. There are many times when you may see an Internet ad, television ad or hear a radio commercial that inspires you to do something on impulse that you were not planning to do. The concept refers to “impulse buying” which states that people will make purchases on a whim that they did not have planned in advance. Major corporations know that human beings do not always plan to buy and therefore, the concept of “attraction marketing” which means you intentionally construct your messages to inspiring desire in your prospects so they are eager to buy what you have to offer and don’t think twice about it.


Finally, if you create a brand that is clear, effective and magnetic it will be brilliant. Make sure you follow my advice to ensure that your brand is memorable rather than forgettable. Brilliant brands will always accomplish two very important things: recollection with consumers and market share in terms of sales.


Now over to you. What principles did you use to build a brilliant brand for your business?

Copyright © 2015 Quality Media Consultant Group LLC

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Lori A. Manns is an award-winning, marketing, sales coach and business strategist who works with small business owners to help them elevate their brand, get more clients and grow revenue. Lori A. Manns is CEO of Quality Media Consultant Group  and founder of the Trailblazer Business Academy™ where advancing entrepreneurs go to learn business growth strategies the soulful way. Lori is also the creator of  Sponsorship Sales Secrets System;™ that shows you how to get more sponsors and sales for your business, guaranteed. To purchase consulting services on marketing, advertising or sales and, learn how to increase your revenue and grow your business; please visit the start here page on