1Next-LevelNo matter where you are in your business, chances are you want to grow and get to the next level. Many business owners, especially solo entrepreneurs like me, have at one point or another found themselves stuck at a crossroads in their businesses not knowing what to do next. If your goal is to stay in business and remain profitable, you must be really clear with your ultimate vision for your company and yourself.

One of the things that separate successful people from those who are not, is that little voice within us telling us that it can’t happen.  After being introduced to an author by the name of Steven Pressfield, not too long ago, I got my hands on a brilliant book he wrote entitled; The War of Art. This book offers an exceptionally smart view about the psychology of creation. The War of Art emphasizes the resolve one must have to recognize and conquer the obstacles of ambition while showing how to reach the highest level of creative discipline.

On the subject of creating products and services as it applies to business, I believe there are 3 basic things you must do before embarking upon a new offering to sell or offer in your business.


1. Decide

You must decide a few things before you create a new product or service to sell.  First and foremost you must decide why you want to create this thing. If your goal is simply to make money, you will not attract lots of people. As human beings we gravitate towards others who are selfless not selfish. If you have a goal to help people with a specific challenge, you will come across as sincere and authentic. Secondly, you must decide what the problem or need is that you want to address or offer a solution for. It’s important to mention that you must determine if there is a need in the marketplace for what you want to create. Then, decide who will be the biggest beneficiary of the solution you will offer. Ask yourself what type of people will most want to buy whatever you create?


2. Investigate

You must acquire as much information as you possibly can about the subject matter pertaining to whatever you create. Once you decide that you want to create something for the purpose of helping people with a specific problem, in order to grow you must present yourself as the expert. But first, you have to become a student of the that subject and make it your specialty. You should be known as the “go-to” person in your industry in your city before you can be known abroad. Once you have done your homework, you must test your knowledge and your creation as it compares to your competition and what else is out there. In order to get to the next level from wherever you are now, to where you want to be, you must constantly be willing to learn and develop your skills.


3.  Dedicate Time & Action

No matter what you want to create, what goal you may have or what dream you want to see come to past, if you do not dedicate time and action to make it happen it never will. Every thing and any thing worth having will require work. Success requires work. Getting to the next level in your business will require work. When you set aside a specific amount of time and action to whatever it is that you want to create, you will make mistakes, you will learn valuable lessons and it will all pay off.

Finally, I believe that getting to the next level in life or business requires work and sacrifice. No one goes from point A to point B without a lot of trial and error and growing pains. The key is to figure out the overall purpose for your business and make certain that everything you create, follows suit.

Now I’d love to hear from you. What’s your take on this subject? What simple advice would you tell someone who is trying to get to the next level in their business or in any area of life?

Copyright © 2015 Quality Media Consultant Group LLC

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Lori A. Manns is an award-winning, marketing, sales coach and business strategist who works with small business owners to help them elevate their brand, get more clients and grow revenue. Lori A. Manns is CEO of Quality Media Consultant Group  and founder of the Trailblazer Business Academy™ where advancing entrepreneurs go to learn business growth strategies the soulful way. Lori is also the creator of  Sponsorship Sales Secrets System;™ that shows you how to get more sponsors and sales for your business, guaranteed. To purchase consulting services on marketing, advertising or sales and, learn how to increase your revenue and grow your business; please visit the start here page on www.qualitymediaconsultants.com.