1Money_rollsI often hear small business owners say how much they hate selling. My response is always the same. In my opinion, there are three paradigms that summarize sales: #1 you don’t have a business if you don’t sell something, #2 earning passive income helps you make money without having to sell and finally #3 if you focus on serving rather than selling, you’ll sell more. The last concept is an old sales adage that I borrowed from one of the master sellers of all time, Zig Ziglar.  One of Ziglar’s philosophies was that if we focused less on selling and more on helping, we would make more money. I strongly agree.  I feel so strongly about this concept that I took it a step further, because to me helping someone is being of service and being of service is spiritual to me, soulful even. When you truly care about helping someone else you are willing to be of service to them in a very authentic way.

As it relates to my paradigms, first and foremost if you want to stay in business you’re going to have to change your mindset about selling and begin to embrace sales rather than despise  it. I also feel strongly about passive and leveraged income. Nothing is better than creating revenue streams for your business that continue to produce money for you again and again. Finally,  I believe that being of service is the key to selling more without having to really sell. If your goal is to be successful in your business, you must care about more than just making money.  Because when you truly care about the people in your target market who need what you have to offer, you will come across as authentic and genuine. People don’t care about how much you know or how great your product or service is until they know that you care about them.  So let’s explore just how you can make money without selling.

1. Educate

There are many ways you must educate your prospects in order to make money without selling. You must first answer the many hidden questions that your prospects have that they are not asking. This requires you to be in tune with them. It’s sort of like the connecting that a teacher does with a student who is having a tough time. You have to show you care before that prospect will open up to you. You have to tell them the benefits and advantages of why they should do business with you. Even if you feel as though it should be obvious to them, it may not be. So do your job and educate them about your business and what you have to offer and why it is something they need.


2. Solve

People buy things because it satisfies a need or want or because it fixes a problem they have. If your product or service answers a specific problem for a specific group of people then you’re half way there. Remember when your target audience goes looking for a solution to their problem or challenge, your messaging has to be on point. You must communicate why your particular product or service is better than all of the rest that are out there.


3. Inspire Desire

Making your target market crave what you have to offer is called inspiring desire. This is where you appeal to the emotions of your prospects. Remember people buy what they want just as much as they buy what they need.



4. Seed the Sale 

You must make your target market truly interested in what you are selling… this is called seeding the sale. If your prospects are motivated because they really need an answer for their problem quickly, then you must give them a taste of what you have to offer by planting the seed for what’s to come.

It’s just like when Baskin Robbins offers you a test taste of whatever flavor you want to try before you buy it. When you seed the sale, you are letting your prospects know how good it is and why they should really want what you’re selling. Here’s where you pique their interest and tell them the best way to acquire your products and services in the future. Once you have their interest, it’s time to make an offer and give an irresistible call to action.


In summary, remember in order to remain profitable in your business, you will have to master selling techniques. However, when you focus more on how you can help people (serve don’t sell) as well as how you can help yourself (create passive income) you will inevitably make more money. In summary, if you use the above tips I have given you, you will not be selling but you will be making more money in the process.

Now I’d like to hear from you. What’s your take on the matter? How do you make more money without really selling? Do you have time-tested strategies that have worked like a charm to help you close the deal and sell more? Share them with me. Leave a comment below.


Copyright © 2015 Quality Media Consultant Group LLC

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Lori A. Manns is an award-winning, marketing, sales coach and business strategist who works with small business owners to help them elevate their brand, get more clients and grow revenue. Lori A. Manns is CEO of Quality Media Consultant Group  and founder of the Trailblazer Business Academy™ where advancing entrepreneurs go to learn business growth strategies the soulful way. Lori is also the creator of  Sponsorship Sales Secrets System;™ that shows you how to get more sponsors and sales for your business, guaranteed. To purchase consulting services on marketing, advertising or sales and, learn how to increase your revenue and grow your business; please visit the start here page on www.qualitymediaconsultants.com.