The idea of “instant or overnight success” is everywhere. Often, we hear folks talking about how easy it is to become an overnight success and promising to have all the tricks, tools and secrets to get to the TOP, quicker faster and with less money! Most of us know that these messages are just advertising tactics to peak our interest and push our buttons. The truth of the matter is, we’d love to believe that we can lose 20 pounds in 20 days or make a billion dollars from one simple idea. The reality is that the odds are just not there.  I am here to tell you or better yet, remind you, that success doesn’t happen overnight. Of course, the silver lining is that rapid success is possible but it has very little to do with a big secret strategy guaranteed to make you….blah, blah, blah.
It comes down to just one simple thing…if you want to be successful you have to hang out with successful people. By that I mean, figure out WHO the major players are in your industry or niche and connect with them. If you’re not an ‘influencer’ in your industry yet, it will take time to build a reputation of a well known and respected, authority figure as well as a mover and shaker. Another name for an influencer is a mentor.  Here’s the up side, if you’re associated with or in alliance with someone who is already an influencer, you’re now a perceived “authority figure” as well.  Plus, the influencer (acting as your mentor) can give you tips on how to imitate their success. Now of course, you must be authentic and sincere.  Most of all you must be willing to add something to the relationship. Offer to help the influencer on one of their projects or launches.  If you don’t have access to any influencers, figure out a way to meet one in person. Attend one of their events, send them an email or follow them on Twitter. Don’t be pushy. Just be BOLD and CONFIDENT. So there you have it….the (shhh) SECRET to become successful, MAKE FRIENDS!  You make ask, “so is it really that simple?’ The answer is yes.

I firmly believe the reason why making friends (which is ultimately no more than building solid business relationships) will help you become more successful, a lot quicker, is because the concept of mentorship simply works. Most successful people have mentors who have shown their protégés what to do and what not to do. The power in having a mentor or influencer lies in the ability to get advice, direction and resources regarding best practices in business.  After all, there is no sense in reinventing the wheel.

If you are looking for a mentor or someone to serve as an influencer for your business, please by all means, seek out a business coach in your industry. Not just any industry.

Here’s my short list for the top 3 things to look for in a mentor or business coach.

  1. Make sure you select a mentor who already has achieved the success you desire.
  2. Make sure you select a mentor who is accessible to meet with you or communicate with you consistently to  give you direction and feedback.
  3. Make sure you select a mentor who has a track record of helping other protégés become successful in business.

Now that you have the secret to the road to success, the key is to use what you know and make it work for you. There are several resources to learn more about mentorship:  i.e., Business Mentorship International, and International Business Mentoring, Now get out there and get moving on the road to success…onward and upward!

© 2012 Quality Media Consultant Group, LLC – All Rights Reserved

This article is written by Lori A. Manns. Want to use this article for your website, blog or newsletter? No problem. Here’s what you must include: Lori A. Manns, CEO of Quality Media Consultant Group and founder of ABC’s of Successful Sponsorship Sales System;TM  that shows you how to get more sponsors and sales for your business, guaranteed. To purchase consulting  services on marketing, advertising or sales and, learn how to increase your revenue and grow your business; please visit