1target audienceIf you want to use Internet marketing as a key strategy to grow your business, you must learn who your target audience is and market to them consistently. When you learn everything there is to learn about this group of people, you are better equipped to devise a marketing plan that will appeal to them. You can’t successfully market your products and services without effectively engaging with those who need what you have to offer. Let’s take a look at why learning your target audience is a great place to start for improving your Internet marketing efforts.

         1.  Knowing your target audience will help you create a better marketing plan.  Have you heard of the saying “first things first?” If so, then you certainly understand that in order to win at Internet marketing you must first understand the wants, needs and problems held by audience before anything else.  Beyond the basic demographics like, age, sex, marital status and geographic location, you must dig deeper. Not only do you have to know what they like to buy but you need to know what motivates them to buy. Properly identifying who your target audience is will help you devise the best strategies when creating your marketing plan and assist you cater your messages to them to ensure a better response.

2.       Learning your target audience helps to ensure that your marketing is effective. When planning on-line campaigns, you must determine the most cost effective methods to reach your audience and illicit a response.  Two critical components of measuring the effectiveness of your internet marketing are click rate and engagement.  The best way to ensure that you are getting the response you seek is developing the right content for your target audience via content marketing. Knowing precisely the topics and information that members of your audience will find useful and valuable will keep you relevant. There is no pay off for ineffective marketing. However, when your marketing strategies are appropriate for your target audience you will reap the benefits of lead generation and better response.

3.       Learning your target audience will help you with your messaging. It is impossible to create compelling messages unless you know who you are talking to. What may appeal to young adults in most cases will not appeal to older adults.  Take notes from companies who do it best. Nike and Subway have mastered the art of creating compelling messages for their consumers based on their research.  There is no doubt in your mind the type of people they are targeting when you hear, read or see their messaging. Consider the types of messages you are delivering to your target consumers? Is it clear that you are targeting a particular group of people?

4.       Learning your target audience will ensure you deliver the right products and  services.  In order to win on line, you must know exactly what your audience will respond to as well as find relevant. The simple way to learn this useful information is to conduct market research studies and survey your target market. Once you have earned the trust of the right people, you will be able to establish that you hold the solution to their biggest challenges and they will count on you to help them solve their problems.

5.       Learning your target audience will keep you competitive.  Ever noticed the companies who do not do any traditional advertising or marketing? For example Louis Vuitton and Bentley how often have you seen internet ads or even traditional ads for these brands? Probably never. These companies have mastered targeting their audience and therefore have closed the gap when it comes to their competition out performing them.  Many times consumers do not hesitate to buy your products and services once they are satisfied with the buying experience.  Figuring out how to deliver the best service for your market will keep you heads and tails above the competition.

6.       Learning your target audience will increase customer retention. After you have established the ‘know, like and trust factor’ with your target market, they are loyal to your brand and more likely to purchase new products and services from you. When consumers are able to identify and relate to your brand, the brand promise as well as remember key messaging associated with it, they are much more likely to recall your company when they are ready to make a purchase. Once you have a reputation of being the leader in your industry or niche, you will automatically attract repeat customers.

7.       Learning your target audience will increase your sales and profits. Many times consumers do not hesitate to buy your products and services once they are satisfied and trust your deliverables.   As I have indicated before, gaining repeat customers is a simple way to ensure growth in sales. However, when you properly target the right group of people you are constantly attracting potential consumers for your brand therefore resulting in more sales for your business.

               © 2012 Quality Media Consultant Group, LLC – All Rights Reserved
This article is written by Lori A. Manns. Want to use this article for your website, blog or newsletter? No problem. Here’s what you must include: Lori A. Manns, CEO of Quality Media Consultant Group your marketing and sales success mentor, and founder of Marketing for Trailblazers System;TM that shows you how to get more clients, more visibility and increase your income, guaranteed. To purchase consulting services on marketing, advertising or sales and, learn how to increase your revenue and grow your business; please visit www.qualitymediaconsultants.com.
