One of the best sources of growing revenue in your business is to have a solid base of people who buy from you over and over.  Serving repeat customers allows you to develop a better understanding of what their likes and dislikes are, making your marketing, sales and customer service efforts more effective and targeted. Studies show that companies with  customer retention programs typically experience net income increases of up to 50% versus those who do not.

According to Emmet C. Murphy and Mark A. Murphy, authors of the book Leading on the Edge of Chaos, acquiring new customers can cost as much as five times more than satisfying and retaining current customers.


There are many ways to ensure that you get repeat sales for your business. Below, I’ve listed  several simple step to move you in the right direction.

  1.  Provide Quality Customer Service. Happy customers tend to be repeat customers. If you under promise and over deliver in the service department chances are you will stand a better chance of getting repeat business from your clientele. As a society, companies known for great customer service always have bigger sales. It goes without saying that great customer service is an easy way to ensure that your clients will more than likely do business with you again. However, often times small business owners take for granted that if I customer is happy with your service, they will automatically buy from you again. Therefore you must always check with your customers during and after the sales process to make sure they are satisfied.
  2.  Get Customer Feedback Regularly.   The easiest way to gauge how your clients feel about your business is to simply ask. Many times business owners fail to ask their customers or clients what their opinion is about their product or service only to find out things were not as good as they thought. Following up with your clients to ask what they liked or didn’t like about their experience with your business will give you the information you need to improve or tweak your offerings.
  3.  Update Your Clients about  New Products and Services.  Many times your clients may be unaware of all the ways you might be able to assist them or address whatever their challenges are. If you’re a service based business owner, make certain that your clients know about new programs or services that you have introduced. If you’re a product based business, make certain that your clients know about any new products that you have as well as special sales, discounts or promotions. Your goal should be to consistently educate your clientele about what you have to offer.
  4.  Offer Incentives. Everyone likes a bonus when they buy something. It’s called giving a valued added benefit. After all, who doesn’t like a good deal? The best way to get current customers to buy again is to offer them an incentive. Whether you give a discount on your services or bonus something that your target audience will find of value, providing an incentive is a sure fire way to get customers in the mindset of spending.
  5.  Make  Recommendations. Many times, people need and want suggestions about what to buy and when. Consider making direct contact by phone to let your customers know you were thinking of them and you had a specific recommendation in mind for them. You could even email them a suggestion about a particular product or service that you recommend, however a phone call is more personal and goes a long way.

If you follow these easy tips, you will definitely experience an increase in repeat sales for your business. Not only that, you will also have very happy and loyal clients. Remember, it’s a lot easier to build your customer base with repeat buyers rather than trying to constantly get new customers week to week or month to month.

Now it’s your turn. Leave your comments and tell me what are the sure-fire ways you have gotten your clients to do business with you over and over again? I can’t wait to hear from you.

If you need a business strategy to help you consistently grow your income, please contact us.

© 2012 Quality Media Consultant Group LLC – All Rights Reserved
This article is written by Lori A. Manns, President of Quality Media Consultant Group LLC. You may not republish this article without permission of the author.

Want to use this article for your website, blog or newsletter? No problem. Here’s what you must include: Lori A. Manns, CEO of Quality Media Consultant Group, an award-winning, trailblazing business strategist, sales coach and founder of the Sponsorship Sales Secrets System,  that shows you how to get sponsors and grow your business, guaranteed. To purchase consulting services to learn how to grow and scale your business for optimal success, please  please visit