1vacationEveryone needs a break from work at one point or another. Taking time off is important in order to operate at maximum effectiveness in business.  As a society, many Americans are stressed out and overworked. We’re running one thousand miles an hour with little or no fuel in our energy tank. Studies show that the lack of taking time off causes burnout and may result in anxiety on many levels. Yet, many business owners, entrepreneurs and professionals rarely take time off to take a vacation.

Recently I took a one-week vacation, and as I began notifying people that I would be away, most of the comments were along the same lines. I wish I had $100 for every time someone lamented over the fact that I would be on vacation, and they wouldn’t. The comments I heard went something like this: “wow, I need a vacation” or “lucky you.” I also heard, “I wanna be like you when I grow up.”

I began to wonder, why is it that most business owners do not traditionally take time off?

I believe there are 4 basic reasons why many entrepreneurs do not take vacations or time off when needed.

Fear – Many business owners believe their businesses will tank without them at the helm. Whether you are afraid that you will lose sales, or you do not trust your team, either way you must mitigate your fears if you’re ever going to truly operate like a CEO.

Failure to Delegate – I would guess that a lot of business owners do not properly hire or delegate tasks to others. If you can’t or won’t find others who are able to assist you in your business, you’ll be stuck doing all the work and limit growth. Additionally, some business owners may feel as if no one can do the job better than them. This limited belief will only sabotage your success.

Lack of Systems – Many business owners do not have the systems in place that would keep their businesses running on autopilot. There are many tools and resources you can utilize to save time, money and manpower to help your business run more smoothly.

Failure to Budget Funds – Many business owners set aside money for everything else except budgeting for a break. Reward yourself by setting aside time to

Here are four tips you can implement to avoid making the above critical mistakes.

  1. Exercise Faith – You must believe that everything is going to work out just fine whether you’re there or not. Put your faith into action by setting a plan into motion.
  2. Delegate Critical Tasks – You should hire an administrator or virtual assistant to manage non- sales generating tasks that take you away from generating revenue.
  3. Create Systems – Use tools that help you save time and money i.e, customer surveys, email marketing (automatic responders), customer relationship management system, etc.
  4. Budget for a Break – Set aside a certain amount of money each month for your vacation fund or staycation fund. Having money for time off is just as critical as any other business expense. Just think of it as your “mental health fund”.

As you can see, taking vacations are an integral part of your well-being and therefore the well-being of your business. Do yourself a favor, develop work and life balance and reward yourself for a job well done. And remember, your mental health is worth protecting. If you are constantly stressed out, what good will you be for your business?  Finally, after vacation, when you come back refreshed and recharged, you’ll be glad you took the time away.

© 2014 Quality Media Consultant Group, LLC – All Rights Reserved

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This article is written by Dr. Lori A. Manns. Want to use this article for your website, blog or newsletter? No problem. Here’s what you must include: Dr. Lori A. Manns, CEO of Quality Media Consultant Group, a business consultancy firm specializing in advertising, media and sales solutions for your optimal success. Dr. Lori is the founder of  Trailblazer Business Academy;™ where purpose-driven entrepreneurs go to learn next level strategies to grow their businesses, and the Sponsorship Sales Secrets System;™ that shows you how to get more sponsors and sales for your business, guaranteed. To book consulting services on marketing, advertising/media, or sales strategies and learn how to increase your revenue and grow your business; please visit www.qualitymediaconsultants.com.